Connecting students to their world through natural history science

Global Natural History Day

Global Natural History Day is designed to inspire interest in natural history and science among elementary through high school students. It engages students in real world learning experiences that challenge and excite them to get outdoors and explore their environment. In the program students develop problem-solving abilities, cultivate leadership skills, improve cross-cultural understanding, and create a sense of awareness of the present and future state of the natural world.

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Every year, more and more teams join the Global Natural History Day family. They all ask the same question: what exactly is nature? Nature is the world around us, and that world keeps moving, changing, and developing. From a small particle to the entire universe, it includes everything and anything that is both known and unknown to human beings. How big can the universe really be? The infinitesimal atom is considered the basic and fundamental element that makes the world.

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Vietnam Teams 2017

This is the first year Vietnam joins the GNHD and student teams are selected from Thuc Nghiem lower and upper secondary schools. Students are mentored by school teachers, CED, and scientists from Vietnam Museum of Nature. Their proposals and videos about their research projects can be found here. Through their research projects, they would like to share with their global peers about nature in Vietnam, its rich biodiversity and challenges in conservation.

GNHD 2016 Global Finals, Shanghai